The immediate outcomes of the project include the preservation, upgrading, and protection of the geo-archaeological and archaeo-metallurgical sites of importance, where the project is being implemented, as well as the promotion of this special cultural heritage to the wider public
On an economic basis, immediate and long-term positive outcomes are expected, through the creation of additional revenue streams, resulting from the extension of the tourist season, the improvement of the tourism product offered and the increase in overnight stays, as well as from the new employment opportunities for the local population, entrepreneurs and related businesses in each region.
The cross-border approach of cultural tourism implemented through the METAL PLACES, also leads to the development of a culture of cooperation and extroversion for local stakeholders in Greece and Cyprus, as well as the exchange of good practices, which enhance the offered tourism product. Finally, the creation of a special identity (destination branding) for these areas, as a single tourism product, contributes to their sustainable development.
The creation of this webpage is co-funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and by national resources of Greece and Cyprus. The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary and can in no way reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries and the managing authority.
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