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The driving force behind the establishment of the METAL PLACES project partnership was the need to highlight and promote a common aspect of cultural heritage ofGreece and Cyprus, this is the archaeo-mining and metallurgy activities. This significant component has not received the recognition it truly deserves. The Laboratory for the Palaeoenvironment and Ancient Metal Studies of the National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos”, the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades, and the Municipality of Siphnos which share a long history of collaboration, as well as the Archaeological Research Unit (ARU) of the University of Cyprus and the Community of Asgata (Limassol District) accepted the challenge to valorise this “cultural wealth” and became the stakeholders in this partnership.

Dimocritos National Research Center - logo

The National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos” is the largest interdisciplinary Research Center in Greece with approximately 190 Researchers and Functional Specialist Scientists and more than 500 research staff employed in projects financed by State funds, the European Union, International Organizations and Industry. The Paleoenvironment and Ancient Metal Structures group belongs to the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN) of the “Demokritos” National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR) and is recognized for its contribution to the interdisciplinary fields of Archaeometry, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences, both nationally and internationally . The team is staffed by specialized research and technical staff with experience in geoarchaeology, preservation and restoration of ancient/historical objects, cultural heritage, characterization of archaeological materials and paleoenvironment. In addition, it has developed close collaborations with other research institutions, both in Greece and abroad, and has implemented a multitude of funded research programs.

The Paleoenvironment and Ancient Metal Structures team, as the Lead Partner, has undertaken the overall management and coordination required for the smooth start, implementation and completion of the “METAL PLACES” Project, as well as the implementation of the Project’s deliverables in collaboration with the rest of the Partners .

Ephorate of Antiquites Cyclades - logo

The Ephorate of Antiquities of Cyclades is administratively under the General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Sports. It is the dominant institutional body of the state on issues of antiquities in its area of responsibility. As part of its role, it is in direct interaction with the local and regional/national authorities acting in an advisory and auditing capacity. Its important activity is demonstrated by its participation in numerous programs (national/transnational) regarding the study, protection and preservation of antiquities, scientific research and the promotion of cultural heritage. In the context of the implementation of the “METAL PLACES” Project, the Ephorate, as the most appropriate entity (with spatial competence in the eligible areas of the Project), undertakes the implementation of a significant number of actions.

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The Municipality of Sifnos is the administrative Authority. It has demonstrated excellent efficiency in the activities of creating tourist routes and in preserving the uniqueness of the natural and cultural heritage of Sifnos. It has also supported research activities of Greek and foreign scientific institutions that have been undertaken within the limits of its authority. Through the “METAL PLACES” Project, the Municipality recognizes the emerging possibilities for the region and actively participates by supporting the individual actions. With its experience from previous development projects in the area, its administrative structures and its staff will contribute substantially to the implementation of the Project’s Actions.

University of Cyprus - Archaelogical Research Unit logo

The Archeology Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, the first research unit of the institution, was established in 1991 by a Cyprus Government decision with the aim of researching and teaching the ancient civilization of Cyprus as well as the neighboring Mediterranean Civilizations. In the 30 years since its establishment, the Archeology Research Unit has been competitively ranked in the international assessment of the QS World University Rankings and was among the top 101-150 universities in Archeology for 2019 and 2020, which demonstrates the international profile of its members. in research and teaching.

In recent years, the Unit has been on an extremely dynamic development trajectory. Through the coordination of innovative research projects funded by the European Commission, the Republic of Cyprus and the University of Cyprus, the organization of international conferences in Cyprus and abroad, the Unit continues to contribute to the study of the Mediterranean area, actively participates in relevant discussions with the archaeological community and seeks international networking.

The Unit’s field and laboratory research is conducted through interdisciplinary approaches, spanning the Humanities and the Exact Sciences, from archaeological theory and interpretive models, up to the field research, laboratory analyzes and digital applications. At the same time, the application of interdisciplinary approaches to research and modern methods in “teaching through research” contribute to the development of multiple skills of its students and the free formation of their interests.

The Unit has to its credit a number of research projects related to the interdisciplinary study of the ancient mining industry, ancient metallurgy and metalwork in collaboration with foreign institutions/universities that have been completed with absolute success, making it one of the pioneers in the field of archaeological research and especially in the field of archaeometallurgy.

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The Community of Asgata is the administrative Authority under whose jurisdiction the selected area of Cyprus falls. It has demonstrated excellent work in the creation of infrastructure and activities for the rescue and promotion of the natural and cultural heritage of the region, as well as of other regions of Cyprus. Through the “METAL PLACES” Project, the Community of Asgata recognizes the emerging possibilities for the region and actively participates by supporting and contributing substantially to the individual actions.

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